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In 1913 in three issues of the newspaper “Kazakh” published Akhmet Baitursinov’s article «The main poet of the Kazakhs”. In it, he first called Abai the great lump of his time, explains the depth of his poetry, the breadth of subjects, special skills in versification and reveals the poet’s connection with Russian literature and the aesthetic value of Abai.
Abai Kunanbayev is the greatest Kazakh poet. His real name is Ibrakhim. There is no other poet better than him among the Kazakh people. There is no person in Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions, which did not know the poetry of Abai. However, in the Turgay region far fewer people knew Abai. The fact that in the Turgay until the publication of Abai’s books did not know either his name or his creation. When I was in Akmola, they were surprised that I haven’t heard about Abai and didn’t know his poems.
Abai was always praised about his words and his ability being a great poet when people talked about the great poets. When I didn’t know his words I used not to believe to people’s panegyrics about him. I thought he was one of like our Abubakyr, Seidakhmet and Akmolla. In 1903 I’ve got a writing book with Abai’s words. After reading it I understood that they were not like any other poets’ words. They were so different that I had feeling of estrangement for a long time. There were fewer words but their meanings had deep value. If people haven’t heard Abai’s poems and start to read quickly, many do not understand and will miss the deep thought. You can understand their sense only after somebody’s explanation.
That’s why words of Abai are difficult to understand and comprehension. However, it does not come from the fact that Abai was not able to express thought; it’s the reader’s perception of deep thoughts. Whatever he wrote they have deep root meaning, feature, secret intention. While writing he knew thing’s feature, mystery. For that reason they took a great place in people’s soul and also it’s test of knowledge and maturity of the reader. If the reader analyzes the word, then word also will examine the reader. Abai’s words are unsurpassed and the best; and stands separately among other poets from that epoch. That superiority and individuality is not just in his words but in him. We didn’t see Abai but we know about him from people who saw with their own eyes.
Therefore it is necessary to tell a little about him.
Abai was from Semey, his clan was Tobykty. His great grandfather Irgyzbay was born in Torgai near the river Yrgyz. Yrgyzbay was known as the warrior, people’s commander and leading biy. At the same time he led his clan Tobykty from Turkistan to Chingiz Mountains, where they were richer pastures for cattle.
His grandfather Oskenbai was a fair biy. People from different clans came for fair resolution of disputes. His father Kunanbay was one of the prominent rulers. When Kazakh people ruled by dignitaries and these dignitaries elected from sultans he struggled with them and became a powerful sultan. His mother Ulzhan was from Karakesek, it has root from the well-known Bertis clan. Mother’s relatives were notable for their cheerful vitality, humor and especially famous for his wit Kantau and Tontay. Tontay was rich for cattle. When he was ill usually Hodge and mullahs used to ask about his health. Once he was seriously ill and regular visit to the mullah, he replied: “Yes, it has already ashamed of you no end to recover, it is time to die”.
Abai was born in 1845, in the year of the snake. At birth he was named Ibrahim, but his mother called him Abai. From 10 until 13 he was educated in Muslim. In thirteen years, he was sent to study in Ahmet Yrza’s medrese in Semipalatinsk, where he studied for three months in Russian. After that he stopped his studying and at the age of fifteen he used to be among adults. He began helping his father in battles with Chyngys army in defending the interests of people. In the twenty years he has earned a reputation of wit among the people. He was sagacious and observant, had an excellent memory. He knew the folklore, proverbs and sayings, biy’s things and words, wit and the leaders of the Kazakh people.
Of course, live in our times, Abai will be one of the leading biy Alasha. He was an opponent of the wealth power and he was a supporter of the mind and knowledge. At that time people considered it’s better to have cattle than education. “Can animals be more important than knowledge?” exclaimed Abai and joined the party, giving her the knowledge. But the struggle for power, and fortunately the Kazakhs, it did not blind him.
In the 80th years of the last century, he met with Mikhayles and Gross, who came to the steppe to record Kazakh folk tales, customs and traditions. They knew that Abai was not an ordinary man. They introduced Abai the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Tolstoy, Saltykov, Dostoevskiy, Belinskiy, Dobroluvov, Pysarev and gave to read their books. They made it clear that the poets Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov left a great memory and respected of any rulers and biys. Abai understood the art of writing poetry and prose is the most respected business among the people. He came to the conclusion the gift of steppe Akins wasting nothing, bringing the empty praise of the strengths and the rich of this world, in order to get their favor. He decided to devote himself to true poetry.
When he was young he was fond of writing humorous poems; love poems dedicated to her friends, but eventually gave it up, considering it unworthy. Who knows if he didn’t meet Mikhayles and Gross who he would be and we wouldn’t know about his beautiful lyrics, wonderful thoughtful words. Abai is a great happiness for the Kazakhs. Introduction to Russian poetry he has helped to understand the place and purpose of poetry in life, changed his attitude to poetry, and he lifted up their unprecedented heights. However, what is the benefit of the poetic word over the other? He said this clearly. He said for example, most writers and audience not enough educated and ignorant, that more people take notice and appreciate the easy sound of words to the ear, than their real deep meaning.
From this Abai’s approval about poetry and the poem we can see what value he paid to poetry and its demands on poetry. It’s not enough to be only writer, he would be also critic. That word was colorful; it must be invested in thought. And that word was appropriate, timely and meaningful; we must be demanding and critical of him. The word was meaningful, we need knowledge. Abai had all these qualities.
Abai was a genius, created magnificent examples of poetic creation and spread his knowledge and talent in the nation. There are the most different styles and manners of poetry, a form filing in Abai’s works. Abai knew all the secrets of poetic skill. Therefore, his poems are perfect for any party. There is one disadvantage: poem’s reams were rambling. But if we put them in right order it will be correct. Nobody can find out mistakes from his work. Some say “hard” words, but this view has arisen because they were new in sound, form feed, significantly different from the traditional forms, and as soon as the reader becomes accustomed to Abai innovation, everything all right.
Abai himself was the first critic of his poetry.
Abai is great not only in poetry. The advantage of Abai’s poems from another Kazakh poet he could see things from within. Maybe other poets were speakers but we knew that Abai’s knowledge was much better. They used to exaggerate but Abai liked to say everything in its position. He didn’t like changing them in order to present more likely.
For example, let’s take his poem “Requirements for horses”. There were rude poetry words, but without them he could not fully describe the horses. But when you read this poem we saw the image of the ideal horse.
Abai less thought about the words. But he never tried to change his creation or make it easier for people’s understanding. He just tried to give things’ real nature. He was required reading European literature. By Alikhan Bokeykhanov’s opinion Abai read the works of Spenser, Louis, Dreaper and other European thinkers. That’s why it’s hard for people to understand his some philosophical things. I noticed that even many of those who repeatedly read and he could recite Abai’s poetry, some of them asked what Abai wanted to say in it. Abai reproduced his thoughts perfectly.
Kazakhs should be fully know and understand Abai’s works. His works have been published in the book in 1909, but it did not separate among the people, except Akmolinsk and Semipalatinsk regions. His books should be in every bookshop. We will try to do our best in order to make people to know about him. We’ll publish his best works in newspapers.

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The institute of Abai was opened in Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi on the 24th of March, 2009. The Academician of International High School Science Academy, Doctor of Philology Science and professor Zhangara Dadebaev was chosen as a director of the Institute of Abai.