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Selected works about the life and work of Abai

N.A. Nazarbayev. WORD ON ABAY

Speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakstan N. Nazarbayev

Dear compatriots, Honourable guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today we hold an unforgettable celebration. All of us have gathered today in this magnificent palace to express our eternal unflagging love of never fading ac-knowledgement to our glorious son and wise teacher. It has become our long-standig tradition — get together in such a way each decade celebrating the anniversary of birth of this great man so as to worthily give credit to our past and weigh our close objectives on the balance of reason. And each time the name of Abay reaches ever greater heights thus glorifying the honour and dignity of our nation. True, there were times when we rejoiced immensely the fact that the invaluable legacy of our illustrous poet had not been trampled upon by the ruthless boots of class ideology and acquired its due import in all the coming generations. Read more »


Look deep into your soul and
Ponder on my words
To you I am a puzzle, my person
And my verse.
My life has been a struggle, a
Thousand foes I braved,
Don’t judge me too severely –for
You the way I paved.

Abai addressed these heartfelt lines to the generations to come, to his countrymen for whom he strove to pave the way to a more enlightened, better life. Fie carried his poetry like a burning torch through the gloom of ignorance and prejudice that enveloped the Kazakh steppes, revealing new horizons to his people and the promise of a new dawn.
To his milieu he was a puzzle. But to us he is very clearly the luminary of Kazakh literature, the light of Kazakh poetry. Now that Kazakhstan has acquired statehood, and the Kazakhs—their proud national identity, Abai has found appreciative and enlightened readers where once he was denied understanding. He is read and admired by all the peoples of our great socialist state. Read more »


June 23, 1904 in Chyngys mountain of Semipalatinsk district died in the native steppe popular Kirghiz poet Abai Kunanbayev. His pen-name is Ibrahim (Abraham), but the Kirghiz steppe, following the poet’s mother, gave him tender name Abai and that we keep him.
Abai’s father was from the generation of well-known leaders and biys of clan Tobykty. His great-grandfather Yrgyzbay was Tobykty biy and warrior, who was named by the name of the river Yrgyz in Torgai region where he was born in the 50th of the XVІІ century, one of the few leaders of his generation brought Tobykty clan from Turkistan to Chingis Mountains, representing excellent pastures for cattle. His grandfather Oskenbai was a fair biy, people from different clans came for fair resolution of disputes. Abai’ father had an enormous influence on other Kyrgyz clans, which was confirmed at the election of Kunanbay as a head of sultans in Karkarala region. Read more »


In 1913 in three issues of the newspaper “Kazakh” published Akhmet Baitursinov’s article «The main poet of the Kazakhs”. In it, he first called Abai the great lump of his time, explains the depth of his poetry, the breadth of subjects, special skills in versification and reveals the poet’s connection with Russian literature and the aesthetic value of Abai. Read more »

Federico Mayor

Address by Mr Federico Mayor
Director-General of the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural organization
(UNESCO) on the occasion of the celebration,
at the Palace of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the
150th anniversary of the birth of Abai Kunanbayev
Almaty, 9 August 1995

Mr President of the Republic of Kazakstan,
Distinguished representatives,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is truly an honour for me to be with you today, in the independent and sovereign Republic of Kazakhstan, to commemorate the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the man in whom the genius of the Kazak people found its fullest expression – Abai Kunanbayev. I wish to thank you, Mr. President, and through you the Government and people of Kazakhstan, for inviting me to participate in this forum of national reflection and recollection. Read more »

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The institute of Abai was opened in Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi on the 24th of March, 2009. The Academician of International High School Science Academy, Doctor of Philology Science and professor Zhangara Dadebaev was chosen as a director of the Institute of Abai.