About institute Abai
The Institute of Abai
General information
The institute of Abai was opened in Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi on the 24th of March, 2009. The Academician of International High School Science Academy, Doctor of Philology Science and professor Zhangara Dadebaev was chosen as a director of the Institute of Abai.
The main subject of Abai Institute is to do fundamental, applied scientific research in the field of social and art sciences.
The purpose of the Institute is to coordinate the scientific and the scientific-organizational works, which have the purpose of keeping, developing and spreading the education by researching, teaching and promoting.
The direction of the work:
- Abai’s history
- The Kazakh literature
- The Kazakh philology
- The Russian literature
- The Russian philology
- The Theory of Literature and Folk History
- The Literary Creative Work and Artistic Translation
- The World Literature
- Interdisciplinary research of Art and Social Sciences.
The main obligation
- to develop the main research as creating new education, learning new technology, forming and developing scientific schools in the important direction of science development;
- to participate in scientific research provided in art and social sciences;
- to participate in the international scientific programs in terms of required direction;
- to coordinate and hold the starting scientific research;
- to prepare scientific-teaching specialists by the post-graduate educational programs based on the newest achievements of science and education;
- to make the theory and practice of Abai’s creative work research in the centre of the literature ,linguistics, culture, history,teacher-training, law, philosophy, the social and policy sciences;
- to consider the actual problems of the theory and history of Kazakh literature in a period from the ancient time till nowadays with Abai’s literature, aesthetic, ethic and philosophical views;
- to analyze the questions of Abai’s works appropriating in the far and close foreign countries;
- to research the theory and history of the modern Kazakh Literary language;
- to research the problems of literary translation and translation criticism, the theory and practice of literary comparatives;
- to consider the main problems of the theory and history of Kazakh Literature and Literary Creative Work process in the frame of world literature;
The main types of work
- to hold the scientific research, the creative, the translating and scientific-practice works;
- to enter the results of the scientific and scientific-practice works into the learning process;
- to prepare the post-graduate educational specialists;
- to use and to announce the research results;
- to publish the thematic collection of the scientific works and the materials of conferences, congresses and symposiums;
- to edit and provide for the publishing the scientific works, artistic and translation texts;
- to analyze and appreciate the texts in terms of philology;
- to organize seminars, meetings, exhibitions and fairs;
- to commercialize the products of Institute work;
- to qualify and re-prepare the specialists of the scientific, creative, translation and teaching theory and practice;
- to do other works allowed according to the purpose of the scientific research legislation.
The main research works provided by the State budget
The National Images of world in the Literature of Independent Kazakhstan.
The advisor: professor Abisheva U.K.
The scientific methods of researching the memorial work “Kutadgu Bilik” by Yusup Balasaguni.
The advisor: professor Sagyndykuly B.
The Kazakh language is in the world field: the historical development paradigm of the names.
The advisor: professor Salkynbai A.B.
The Kazakh literary language and the national mentality: the cultural concepter.
The advisor: professor Avakova R.A.
The cumulating of national-cultural values in the lexical units of the Kazakh language: the lingual-countrystudies electronic thesaurus selection and lemmatization.
The advisor: professor Suleimenova E.D.
Applied research works provided by the State budget
The National Idea and its artistic imagination in the Kazakh literature in a period from the ancient time till nowadays.
The advisor: professor Dadebaev Zh.D.
The State Language is as one of the main factors of Kazakhstan’s social unity.
The advisor: professor Suleimenova E.D.