December 2011
N.A. Nazarbayev. WORD ON ABAY
Speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakstan N. Nazarbayev
Dear compatriots, Honourable guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today we hold an unforgettable celebration. All of us have gathered today in this magnificent palace to express our eternal unflagging love of never fading ac-knowledgement to our glorious son and wise teacher. It has become our long-standig tradition — get together in such a way each decade celebrating the anniversary of birth of this great man so as to worthily give credit to our past and weigh our close objectives on the balance of reason. And each time the name of Abay reaches ever greater heights thus glorifying the honour and dignity of our nation. True, there were times when we rejoiced immensely the fact that the invaluable legacy of our illustrous poet had not been trampled upon by the ruthless boots of class ideology and acquired its due import in all the coming generations. Read more »