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Presentation of the XI-XXXV volumes of “Abay Studies. Selected Works”

“Abay Studies. Selected Works” volumes of publications were presented June 20, 2018 at the Faculty of Philology and World Languages ​​of al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Abay Scientific Research Institute. Director of the Institute Professor ZHANKARA DADEBAYEV headed the ceremony. Read more »

Abay Research Institute News: XXX-XXXV volumes of “Abay studies. Selected Works” publication have seen the light

Abay Research Institute has compiled and prepared XXX-XXXV volumes of “Abay studies. Selected Works” publication in “Kazakh University” publishing house of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Read more »

“UN Model – New SilkWay-2017″ is the International conference that was held at al-Farabi Kazakh National University

This year Kazakhstan is marking the 25th anniversary of cooperation with the United Nations. In 1992 the country as well as other countries from Central Asia joined the UN and, thus, received worldwide recognition. In order to mark this date the international student conference “UN Model – New Silk Way-2017″ was held on 28th April at the al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Delegates from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, as well as guests from Italy, France and the United States came to take part. Read more »

Translation of Phraseological Units in Abai

M. T. Kozhakanova, L.Zh.Mussaly, I.K.Azimbayeva, K.T.Abdikova

Abstract—Abai Kunanbayev (1845-1904) was a great Kazakhpoet, composer and philosopher. Abai’s main contribution to Kazakhculture and folklore lies in his poetry, which expresses greatnationalism and grew out of Kazakh folk culture. Before him, mostKazakh poetry was oral, echoing the nomadic habits of the people ofthe Kazakh steppes. We want to introduce to abroad our country, itshistory, tradition and culture. We can introduce it only throughtranslations. Only by reading the Kazakh works can foreign peopleknow who are kazakhs, the style of their life, their thoughts and soon. All information comes only through translation. The mainrequirement to a good translation is that it should be natural or that itshould read as smoothly as the original. Literary translation shouldbe adequate, should follow the original to the fullest. Translatorshave to be loyal to original text, they shouldn’t give the way to liberty. Read more »

Human’s Anthropological Appearance in Abai

Zh. D. Dadebayev, M.T. Kozhakanova, I.K.Azimbayeva

Abstract—The issue of human anthropology took an important role in the last epochs and still hasn’t lost its importance. Scientists of different countries were interested in investigating the appearance of human being and the idea of life after death. While writing this article we noticed that scientists who made research in this issue, despite of he different countries and different epochs in which they lived, had similarities in their opinions. In given article we wrote great Kazakh poet AbaiKunanbayev’s philosophical view to the problem of human anthropology. Read more »


June 23rd 1904 was the time when famous Kazakh akyn[1] and Chingiztau foothills inhabitants’ representative named Abay Kunanbayuli (or Abay Qunanbayuli) passed away. His real name is Ibrahim. However, according to Kazakh custom name «Abay» given by his mother is used for identification nowadays. Read more »

N.A. Nazarbayev. WORD ON ABAY

Speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakstan N. Nazarbayev

Dear compatriots, Honourable guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today we hold an unforgettable celebration. All of us have gathered today in this magnificent palace to express our eternal unflagging love of never fading ac-knowledgement to our glorious son and wise teacher. It has become our long-standig tradition — get together in such a way each decade celebrating the anniversary of birth of this great man so as to worthily give credit to our past and weigh our close objectives on the balance of reason. And each time the name of Abay reaches ever greater heights thus glorifying the honour and dignity of our nation. True, there were times when we rejoiced immensely the fact that the invaluable legacy of our illustrous poet had not been trampled upon by the ruthless boots of class ideology and acquired its due import in all the coming generations. Read more »

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The institute of Abai was opened in Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi on the 24th of March, 2009. The Academician of International High School Science Academy, Doctor of Philology Science and professor Zhangara Dadebaev was chosen as a director of the Institute of Abai.